Carbon Positive Project

Carbon Positive - Regenerating soil carbon in soils used for intensive field cropping. Comparing conventional vs regenerative intensive field crop systems.

  Added 3 years ago

Carbon Positive Project

Carbon Positive - Regenerating soil carbon in soils used for intensive field cropping

Our Trust/LandWISE project – Carbon Positive – will compare commercial conventional vs alternative/regenerative farming systems applicable to Hawke’s Bay’s horticulture, viticulture, and cropping and sectors, with special focus on soil carbon, input use, nutrient loss, irrigation and water retention. 

Carbon Positive Sponsors

Soil sampling/monitoring and practice change will first be implemented on the LandWISE experimental ‘micro-farm. The six-year project is budgeted at $3m, with $2m of that expected from MPI. Other participants include Watties, McCain's, Ballance, HBRC.

Project Team

Meet the team !

Carbon Positive Project Team

Carbon Positive Project: Progress Report

Progress report help you keep updated with Carbon positive project :

LandWISE conference

HBFFT Presentation Farming for a Successful Future

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Carbon Positive May Update
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