Annual Reports

Every year we publish our latest annual report.

Annual Report - June 2023

2023 activities and highlights.

Dave’s report covers our activities during the year. We completed a change in role from Project Manager to General Manager this month with the inclusion of the communications, administration, and financial roles to allow trustees to govern while our GM to manages our activities within the budget.

Highlights of our outreach activity during the year:

  • Ministerial announcement of the Carbon positive partnership with MPI, Landwise, Heinz Wattie and McCains in February. T
  • he Healthy Soils Healthy Profits event which created much discussion and provided us with a good range of resources for our outreach activities this year.


Sponsorship partnerships with our existing sponsors were reinforced (HBRC, HDC, Napier Port, BM) although the cyclone recovery work made the current sponsorship environment tough. Bayley’s were unable to continue their sponsorship.

New sponsors who came on board during the year include Pan Pac and Populus People who did an increasing amount of pro bono work for us.

We have contracted Craig Ireson to help us explore more funding opportunities and his work is just beginning.


  • Carbon Positive project enters its second year and planting plans for our third annual process crop are underway. This project is creating a great deal of interest both locally and internationally (through Heinz and McCains) with regular field walks that are well attended. In 2025 we will be due to measure soil C stocks again and check on progress towards our aim of improving soil health while growing profitable crops.
  • We continue to work towards soil C based projects that provide evidence and potential GHG mitigation options for pastoral farmers. We were notified mid 2023 that crown funding for Soil C stock research on pastoral farms was not available for now. Possible avenues being explored are:
    • the establishment of commercial Regen Registry registered soil C projects in a farmer partnership with US company AEI and NZ pastoral industry.
    • Partnering with HBRC Land For Life project to add Soil C stocks and changed pastoral management to the monitoring programme for the monitor farms.

Board Structure and Governance 

We added some more structure to our governance during the year by adopting three new documents to guide us:

  1. code of conduct for the board.
  2. Skills matrix to identify the current trustee’s skill mix.
  3. Trustee recruitment process.


We were sad to say goodbye to John Van Der Linden this November. During his 4 years on the board he put a great deal of time and thought into our activities and He chaired the board for two years. His skills and passion for our work will be missed as will his meticulous attention to detail.

We have this month appointed Andrew Russell and Xan Harding to our board and welcome their input from our February meeting. 


Post Gabrielle the need for improvements in land managements systems has become obvious. This creates and opportunity for us to steer the rebuilt farming systems in directions that are good for the land, water, people and environment.

Early in 2024 we will review our strategic plan.

I look forward to working with you to explore the best ways forward to accomplish the Future Farming Trusts mission and vision.


January 2024. Phil Schofield

Chairman’s report for HBFFT meeting Feb 9, 2024.

Annual Report - June 2022

The Trust held twelve monthly meetings over its last financial year, ending 30 June 2022.

Current Trustees are Liz Krawczyk (chair), vice-chair Phil Schofield, treasurer Scott Lawson, John van der Linden, Tim Aitken (replacing Greg Hart), Tom Belford and Will Foley. Backgrounds of all Trustees are furnished in the Trust website:

The Trust also maintains a Facebook page at:

Trust activities have been supported on a contract basis by David France, serving as project manager, as described further in this report.

Our MISSION is to:

“Promote, inspire and celebrate profitable farming systems that enrich the environment and the community.”

Our VISION is to make Hawke's Bay farming the pride of our community by promoting, inspiring, and celebrating profitable farming systems that enrich the environment and our communities.

The Trust builds partnerships to help develop & implement projects that challenge convention, promote holistic farm performance, use state-of-the-art technologies and sustainable farming practices.

We sponsor on-farm research and outcome monitoring. Sponsor and conduct demonstration workshops and field days. Prepare case studies and videos that provide hard evidence about innovative or alternative practices. Communicate leading edge farming information through our website, e-newsletter and social media.

Projects Undertaken

The Trust aims to establish to farmers and growers – using evidence we develop here in Hawke’s Bay – that more beneficial environmental practices and better financial performance go hand-in-hand.

We work with leading edge farmers and growers, documenting the success of their overall farming systems and – hopefully – making their practices irresistible to others who are watching expectantly or sceptically from the sidelines.

Our Trustees are united in the belief that our long-term focus must be on healthy soils, and the land, plant and animal management practices – label them however you like – that yield healthier, carbon-enriched soils.

Our focus on soil carbon in particular recognises that the benefits of increasing soil cabon – indeed ‘farming’ it – are manifold – deeper rooting systems, increased water and mineral holding capacity, a richer, healthier soil biome … leading to increased plant resilience to drought and environmental stresses and reduced soil loss and nutrient leaching. A win/win outcome today, with the additional potential for establishing future economic value of on-farm soil carbon in an ETS framework.

To that end, in FY22 we continued to develop two major, multi-year demonstration project proposals to MPI.

Carbon Positive

The first of these, Carbon Positive, a six-year $3 million project, will be undertaken in partnership with LandWISE, using their experimental farm to compare the results of alternative arable farming practices implemented across ## test plots on the farm. Results examined will include soil carbon and overall soil health, water and nutrient retention, need for external inputs, and crop productivity.

In FY22 the Trust received preliminary confirmation of $2m in MPI funding. Other partners in the project include HeinzWatties, McCains, Balance and HBRC. We expect formal announcement of the project in early FY23.

Farming for Carbon

Our second proposed major project – aimed at making similar comparisons of alternative farming practices in a catchment-wide, pastoral setting (in partnership with the Mangaone Catchment Group) progressed more slowly in FY22, with indications that it will need to be scaled back to win MPI support.

Re-casting of the project is now underway, with an objective of looking more specifically at documenting soil carbon growth associated with alternative farming practices.

Both of the MPI-involved projects consumed considerable Trust attention and resourcing over FY22. Dave France was retained as a consultant to project manage the development of these projects – progamme definition, budgeting, corporate/iwi relationships and funding, MPI negotiation.

Soil Carbon Investigation – Dairy farms

Indicative of the soil carbon investigations the Trust would like to undertake on a wider scale is the project begun in FY21 and continuing this year to assess soil carbon growth on three dairy farms in Patoka owned by John Kamp. Our soil analysis was completed in FY22, indicating clearly that regenerative practices were indeed yielding more soil carbon as these practices carried on.

The Trust conducted a field day on the property in November attended by 40 guests, and documented the project in this 10-minute video which has received over 1500 views.


In July 2021 the Trust sponsored three well-attended HB presentations offering an introduction to alternative pasture and grazing systems that can regenerate better soils and build soil carbon. These workshops were delivered by Siobhan Griffin. Siobhan has spent 25 years managing her own farm. She coaches farmers to build topsoil working with their livestock, grazing deep-rooted and diverse pastures to build and regenerate soil carbon on New Zealand sheep/beef and dairy farms.

Other activity

The Trust is increasingly asked to support other innovative on-farm projects in the region and we have done so with respect to an almond farming trial in CHB and the Regional Council’s Managed Aquifer Recharge project, also in CHB. We supplied funding support for water quality monitoring technology to the Mangaone Catchment Group. Also, for HBRC’s Regional Water Assessment project, Trustee Phil Schofield completed a desktop review of overseas research on the water retention capacity of carbon-rich soils.


From a communications standpoint, the Trust is implementing a strong commitment to recognise and celebrate all sorts of initiatives Hawke’s Bay farmers and growers are making to improve – which means lessen – their environmental footprint. Those could range from riparian planting or establishing wetlands to improving water efficiency or planting erosion-prone hillsides.

Our website has ramped up in content over the year and now includes over 60 articles, added to weekly, as well as other programme content. The site is supported and promoted by the monthly e-newsletter we initiated in FY22 as well as our Facebook page. A priority for the coming year is building our online audience and stepping up relevant ‘local innovation’ content reporting.

Funding and financials

The Trust seeks to supplement its initial 3-year funding from HBRC with funding from government and community sources, both for project-specific resources (as noted earlier successfully for the Carbon Positive project) and for long-term operational support.

Regarding the latter, we were pleased to enlist Napier Port, Bayleys Country and Hastings District Council as Sponsors, with their support commencing in the FY22 year. We also receive welcome in-kind support from BM Accounting.

As at 30 June 2022, the Trust had a cash balance of $322,112. The Trust’s financials for fiscal year through 30 June 2022, are prepared by BM Accounting and now under independent review, as required by our charter. After review, they will be published on the Trust website.

Next Steps

Our immediate focus in the coming year is coming to closure with MPI on our two major project proposals, and formalise and activate the working relationships with our wide range of partners involved in those projects.

We plan to conduct farmer workshops on a regular basis to demonstrate alternative farming practices, as well as sponsor broader public education events regarding Hawke’s Bay’s farming challenges and future. Our workshop/field day agreement with HB Regenerative Group for the coming year and our August public forum featuring Minister Damien O’Connor and Rod Oram are pertinent examples.

We also anticipate future engagement with catchment groups in the region, as illustrated by our administrative support of the Between 2 Rivers (B2R) catchment group.

We will expand the content on our website and Facebook page, and grow our reach HB farmers and growers and the wider agribusiness community.

We will also review Trust composition and continue to explore ways to involve Māori landowners in our mission.

Submitted by:
Liz Krawczyk (Chair)
Scott Lawson (Treasurer)
Hawke’s Bay Future Farming Trust

Annual Report - June 2021

The Trust held twelve monthly meetings over its last financial year, ending 30 June 2021.

Current Trustees are John van der Linden (chair), vice-chair Phil Schofield, treasurer Scott Lawson, Liz Krawczyk, Greg Hart, Tom Belford and Will Foley. Backgrounds of all Trustees are furnished in the Trust website:

The Trust also maintains a Facebook page at: 104458421275553/

Since date, Trust activities have been supported on a contract basis by David France, serving as project manager, as described further in this report.

Our mission is to:

“Promote, inspire and celebrate profitable farming systems that enrich the environment and the community.”

We see our work as falling into two categories – communications and evidence-building, the former to receive roughly 25% of our resourcing, the latter, 75%.

Projects Underway

1. Communications

From a communications standpoint, we want to recognise and celebrate all sorts of initiatives Hawke’s Bay farmers and growers are making to improve – which means lessen – their environmental footprint. Those could range from riparian planting or establishing wetlands to improving water efficiency or planting erosion-prone hillsides.

We have begun to provide such examples on our website via case studies and videos, with the intention of stepping this up in the coming year.

Over the last two years we have sponsored and/or organised a series of face-to-face forums to present alternative grazing and pasture management approaches to Hawke’s Bay farmers. Taken together, over 200 HB farmers have participated in these workshops.Our most recent workshops in Waipukurau, Wairoa and Rissington, featured regenerative soil expert Siobahn Griffin and attracted over 50 attendees.

2. Evidence-building

The Trust aims to establish to farmers and growers – using evidence we develop here in Hawke’s Bay – that more beneficial environmental practices and better financial performance go hand-in-hand.

We plan to work with leading edge farmers and growers, documenting the success of their overall farming systems and – hopefully – making their practices irresistible to others who are watching expectantly or sceptically from the sidelines.

Our Trustees are united in the belief that our long-term focus must be on healthy soils, and the land, plant and animal management practices – label them however you like – that yield healthier, carbon-enriched soils.

To that end, we have committed limited funding to preparing two major, multi-year demonstration project proposals to MPI, and we have completed an analysis of soil carbon potential on a set of dairy farms in the region. Starting with the latter …

Soil carbon
This project, led by Trustee Phil Schofield is designed to measure with scientific rigour the ability of farm practices to increase soil carbon. We have measured soil carbon across three properties at various stages of organic/regenerative development owned by farmer John Kamp in Patoka. These farms were formerly high chemical input dairy operations.

Our carbon measurement methodology utilises the approach ‘blessed’ by MPI for nationwide application. In our view, soil carbon is a key indicator of overall soil health, which we regard as the prime driver of farming success. Additionally, as is well-known, the current Government has an interest in assessing whether carbon sequestered in soil (and potentially increased) can eventually be factored into its carbon neutrality objectives.

Our soil samples have been analysed by Landcare Research and indeed provide strong evidence that alternative land management can build soil carbon (and better fix nitrogen) in the pastoral setting. The differences in soil carbon stocks between the three farms are large, with 64 Tonne per ha more soil carbon under the farm that has been managed under various components of regenerative farming for 10 years. This work will be published in the coming year.

Economic/environmental assessment
Another project is targeting ten dairy and sheep & beef farms across Hawke’s Bay. We are selecting farmers who are committed to change – who want to improve both their environmental and economic performance, measuring both with greater rigour to establish the ‘evidence base’ mentioned earlier.

Utilising HB farm economist Barrie Ridler, we commissioned reports on four local farming operations who have or are introducing alternative farming practices.The first phase of this project is to complete a holistic economic and environmental assessment of the overall farming system for each farm, measuring all inputs and outputs, modeling how various interventions might improve performance, and then monitoring the outcomes from changed or alternative practices. This will be a multi-year project, and at this point four farms have been assessed, with reports prepared for the participating farmers and an overall project summary posted on the Trust website.

In this work, the Trust not ‘selling’ a solution. But that said, we expect that the practice changes that will be indicated will fall in the category currently labelled ‘regenerative farming’.

Major Project Proposals

MPI applications
The Trust has developed two major projects and funding proposals for MPI aimed at demonstrating the viability of alternative farming practices in the region. Both of these have involved considerable interaction with regional and national sector and research partners, as well as MPI. Both presently sit in the MPI assessment process.

Project 1 – Mangaone Catchment Group Model for sustainable, resilient pastoral farming in NZ

Problem: Increasingly BAU pastoral farming cannot meet the manifold challenges placed upon it:

  • tighter environmental quality standards,
  • need to account for and reduce GHG emissions,
  • soil loss and diminished quality,
  • water constraints exacerbated by climate change,
  • animal welfare concerns and,
  • more demanding expectations by consumers regarding performance in all these areas.

Yet, faced with these challenges, why have some farmers in our region had shin-deep grass during drought, while others have parched pastures? Farms under regenerative management in this catchment that we have already studied show more soil carbon and have grown more pasture during the last two droughts than their neighbours.

Where to: We want to build on this work throughout the catchment. To rigorously examine and test alternative ‘farming systems’ – such as those termed ‘regenerative agriculture’ – that offer promise anecdotally for improving multiple environmental outcomes while simultaneously improving farm economic performance and resilience. We deem this holistic approach – addressing the full range of real world challenges faced by farmers – is critical to changing farmer practices.

This undertaking joins:

  • Hawke’s Bay Future Farming Trust,
  • Top-class independent soil science team including experts from Landcare and Lincoln University, among others,
  • B+L NZ and DairyNZ,
  • Hawke’s Bay Regional Council,
  • Commercial partners in the environmental monitoring space, and
  • Mangaone Catchment Group, representing all 25 farmers in 25,000ha catchment (conventional sheep & beef, organic dairying & regenerative practices), ready to consider change.

Ours is a bellwether catchment for NZ. Sheep and beef plus dairy represent 66% of NZ farms and 81% of NZ’s agricultural area. How well these farms cope in the near-future will determine whether they – and other pastoral farms throughout NZ – survive.

Using state-of-the-art farm planning tools, real-time measurement technology & science-led soil sampling, our team aims to:

  • Test current conventional pastoral farming practices against regenerative soil and pasture management and water/energy efficient alternatives, aiming for improvement in both environmental (water quality & retention, soil health/carbon, GHG footprint) and economic/productivity performance;
  • On a catchment-wide basis;
  • With a farm-by-farm measurement rigour and comparability that can withstand sceptical academic, regulator and farmer scrutiny (requiring 6-7 years of evidence building to establish causal relationships and trends);
  • Leading to adoption of more sustainable farming systems throughout pastoral NZ. Our objective is real world behaviour change. The opportunity we have here is a biophysical and human ‘field lab’ that could be a model for pastoral NZ. MCG farmers want to be environmentally responsible, market-responsive (i.e., profitable), and proud of what they do.

National relevance & significance

Our project is totally aligned with strategic objectives of the Government as set forth in the Fit for a Better World vision.

Likewise, the Climate Change Commission recommends a path in which the farming sector pulls its full weight, including farming practices that optimise carbon sequestration and minimise GHG emissions.

Because we expect to demonstrate and evangelise the effectiveness of alternative practices, B+L New Zealand and DairyNZ are committed strategic partners.

B+L NZ strongly support the project given their sector’s high priority for examining regen ag potential, including possible on-farm carbon sequestration. They are keenly interested in trialling alternative practices such as suggested by the He Waka Eke Noa guidance document in the scientifically rigorous, ‘controlled’ context this project offers. That guidance broadly identifies these opportunities for mitigating GHG emissions and potential carbon capture:

  • Reduce use of N-fertiliser & supplementary feeds;
  • Improve crop husbandry;
  • Adjusting stocking rates, converting less productive land;
  • Optimise pasture quality;
  • Minimise periods of bare land;
  • Capture and store carbon in indigenous and exotic trees.

These alternative practices overlap considerably the RA practices reviewed in the MPI-commissioned, Regenerative agriculture in Aotearoa New Zealand (co-authored by a member of our research team). Together, the He Waka Eke Noa guidance and the MPI RA white paper lay out a clear menu of alterative practices to be investigated on the ground.

Our alignment extends to the strategic priorities of the HB Regional Council – water security/resilience, targeting of erosion and nutrient loss from pastoral land, achieving a carbon neutral region by 2050. Hence HBRC’s willingness to contribute ongoing funding and in-kind support to the project.

In sum, our project will advance these nationally significant goals for the sector:

  • Establish the benefits of regenerative agriculture relative to individual farm performance.
  • Greater water security and resilience in the face of climate change.
  • Demonstrate potential for on-farm carbon sequestration and GHG offset value.
  • Curb the massive fertile soil loss suffered by NZ each year.
  • Rid freshwater streams of unwanted nutrients.
  • Affirm the exceptionality of our food to overseas consumers.
  • Improve farm profitability.
  • Instill farmer confidence, mental resilience and pride.

$7,964,000 over 7 years

MPI Funds requested $3,990,320 = 50.1%
Co-investor cash $1,707,750 = 21.4%
Co-investor in-kind $2,265,930 = 28.5%

Project 2 – Carbon Positive – LandWISE

With all work to be directed by LandWISE, the Carbon Positive project identifies SOIL, WATER and ENERGY as key influencers in the carbon cycle. It aims for net positive carbon storage.

The project will scientifically compare the effects of alternative “conventional” vs “regenerative” field cropping systems, increase carbon sequestration and seek to remove fossil fuels from the system. Water and energy efficiency studies extend to horticulture and pastoral farms. It will leverage regional skills, talent and world class innovators, challenging the boundaries for improvement. Outputs are applicable to all farming sectors. The project will span a six-year timeframe to allow time and seasonal fluctuations to moderate the results.


  • Operate the LandWISE Micro Farm as a detailed case study of the effect of alternative management strategies on soil quality, carbon levels and water holding, opportunities for irrigation and energy efficiency and potential to be carbon-positive, and water and energy self-sustaining. Aim to maximise soil health, nutrient and water buffering and minimise need for external inputs. The MicroFarm will be a living case study, encouraging visitors and providing outreach to share lessons from trials, engaging with a wider audience, and supporting farmers making changes.
  • Conduct 12 full irrigation system, soil, and management evaluations to baseline performance, investigate new high efficiency technologies and other opportunities for improvement and support farmers to make and integrate changes that save applied water and energy and increase resilience to drought. Monitor results, prepare extension resources, and share lessons with a wider audience.
  • Conduct 12 whole-farm energy use surveys, identify highest energy use aspects and opportunities for improvement and on-farm generation, and opportunities to shift from fossil energy to alternatives. Support farmers to investigate, plan and make changes. Monitor results, prepare extension resources, and share lessons with a wider audience.

Output of Activities

  • MicroFarm research will document rigorously monitored systems and effects and generate information to lead development and adoption of new best practices. Lessons will be disseminated via presentations at field days and conferences, web-resources, papers and popular articles and podcasts.
  • Aggregating results from individual farm irrigation system evaluations will indicate the regional potential for water and energy efficiency and production gains achievable through adoption of a range of alternative technologies, soil management and irrigation scheduling practices.
  • Aggregating results from individual farm energy surveys will indicate the regional potential for energy efficiency gains achievable through adoption of a range of alternative technologies. Investigations into de-fossilisation of energy will identify farm-practical and commercially viable (or nearly viable) energy options including opportunities to onfarm generation.


  • The key outcome of the MicroFarm studies will be adoption of new, best farm systems for field crop production that are environmentally, economically, culturally and socially sustainable. Soil resilience and soil carbon stocks will increase, providing more stable production with less exposure to adverse climate change effects and contributing to the country’s nett carbon reduction. No case will be the same, but the principles will be widely applicable allowing adoption and benefits beyond the project focus areas.
  • Upgraded irrigation systems and enhanced system and soil management will maximise water and energy efficiency, crop production and quality. There will be maximum utilisation of on-farm water, minimised reliance on water from surface or sub-surface takes, and reliable yields of higher value products with sustainability credentials.
  • Farm energy consumption and costs, and the proportion sourced from fossil fuels, will be reduced, lowering nett emissions, and adding value to exported products. Opportunities for novel systems and equipment will be identified enabling establishment of new hightech businesses serving the sector and exporting globally.

$4,537,284.00 over 6 years

MPI Funding Request $3,619,284.00 80%
Co-Investor Cash $645,000.00 14%
Co-Investor In-Kind Funding $273,000.00 6%

The Trust’s financials fiscal year through 30 June 2021, are prepared by BM Accounting and now under independent review, as required by our charter. After review, they will be published on the Trust website.

Next Steps

Our immediate focus in the coming year is coming to closure with MPI on our two major project proposals, and formalise and activate the working relationships with our wide range of partners involved in those projects.

We plan to conduct farmer workshops on a bi-monthly basis to demonstrate alternative farming practices, as well as sponsor broader public education events regarding Hawke’s Bay’s farming challenges and future.

We will expand the content on our website and Facebook page, and begin a bi-monthly enewsletter to reach HB framers and growers and the wider agribusiness community.

We will also review Trust composition and continue to explore ways to involve Maori landowners in our mission.

Submitted by:
John van der Linden (Chair) and Scott Lawson (Treasurer)
Hawke’s Bay Future Farming Trust