Mark your calendar -- August 11

Here in Hastings, Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor and Rod Oram to discuss Future Farming with Climate Change.

  Added 2 years ago

Mark your calendar -- August 11

The HB Future Farming Trust will be hosting a free public forum on 11 August, 6:30pm at Toitoi, the Hawke's Bay Arts and Events Centre. Register here for planning purposes.

Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor, who also holds the Biosecurity, Rural Communities, Land Information, Trade and Export Growth portfolios, and Rod Oram, business journalist and Newsroom sustainability commentator, will discuss the future direction and challenges of NZ/HB agriculture in the context of climate change and engage with our evening's audience.

Local winemaker Steve Smith will moderate the evening. Steve has served as Chancellor of Lincoln University, chaired the Sustainable Food and Fibres Future Fund, and was Ministerial appointee to the Primary Sector Council.

Sponsored by the Hastings District Council, Napier Port and Bayleys Country.


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