Mitigating Erosion Challenges: Strategies and Support in Hawke's Bay

  Added 5 months ago

  By Elizabeth-Marie Nes

Mitigating Erosion Challenges: Strategies and Support in Hawke's Bay

Poplar and willow poles play a crucial role in addressing erosion on pastoral land. In the vulnerable hill country of the region, tens of thousands of these poles have been strategically planted. Regrettably, the main supplier of these poles for the area, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council nursery, suffered severe damage during Cyclone Gabrielle. It may take several years for the council to return to full production.

Despite this setback, there is potential to mitigate erosion through careful planning and implementing a livestock management strategy. By establishing suitable seedlings or rooted cuttings, it is possible to effectively target and manage erosion. The team is available to discuss various options with interested parties.

Recognizing that some of Hawke's Bay's significant erosion challenges involve land that is not sustainable under pasture or other productive uses, the Catchments team is ready to offer advice and financial support. This support extends to erosion control treatments, including land retirement and assisted reversion.

For more information, please visit:

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