Farmstrong’s ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’

Farmstrong’s core advice about maintaining farmer wellbeing reinforced by excellent new book.

  Added one year ago

Farmstrong’s ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’

These are stressful times – what an understatement! – for Hawke’s Bay farmers and growers.

Farmstrong provides terrific advice for maintaining wellbeing, focused on these five basics:

“Research shows that people who thrive have five things in common: they stay connected with their mates, they enjoy the simple things in life, they stay active, they keep learning and they give back by helping out friends, neighbours and their community.

These ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ can make a huge difference to your life. The key is to lock them in each day in small ways so they become a habit. These habits are what you can fall back on when you are ‘under the pump’.”

This advice is now amplified in a superb book prepared by Farmstrong in association with NZ Kiwifruit Growers. With a foreword by Farmstrong Ambassador Sam Whitelock, what distinguishes the book are the first-hand experiences and personal reflections of number of kiwifruit growers.

What they have to say is valuable to all farmers and growers. One key message: "Don't let a setback define you."

You can read the book here.

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